
I Don't Like Kale Chips

Last weekend I realized that there are just some things that I don't get.  Not things that I don't like, per se, but things I don't understand.  This is distinct from things I don't think people should like - dumb things, or annoying things, or harmful things.  Or things that I find gross.  Or things that... anyway, the difference is that I kind of wish I could understand.  There is a special understanding that other people have with this thing, and I am a bit in awe of it, because it is incomprehensible.  I just don't get it.

Anyway, last weekend, it was Belle and Sebastian.  (Ok, that joke will land with like, 0.05% of the people who might stumble upon my blog, so if you were one of them, please enjoy it thoroughly.)

This weekend, it is Kale Chips.  No one will shut up about kale chips.  Everyone loves them.

But I don't get it.  It is just kale?  Dehydrated kale?  That's kind of crispy?

So I actually made some kale chips last night - a final shot to see what the fuss is about.  I was underwhelmed.  I ate them all, because I was taught not to waste your leafy greens, but I didn't really enjoy them.  I didn't think "wow, this is so cool."

It is just kale.  Dehydrated kale.  And I don't get it.

So next time I will do what I always do with kale... put it in anything.  That is the true beauty of kale - you can literally squeeze it in to every dish you're thinking of making, and it would improve the nutrition.  Maybe even the taste.

When looking at my brainstorm of upcoming dishes I'd like to make, the single thing on the list that I would not add kale to is Creme Brulee... which I probably won't even make.  (Mostly because I don't have a torch.  Or ramekins.  Actually, I might have 2 ramekins?  Maybe I should go for it.)  This means that I WOULD put it in:
Corn Chowder
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Vegetable Broth

Those are the only things I'm thinking of making right now, otherwise the list would be longer.

(And for the record, Creme Brulee is ALWAYS on my "things I might feel like cooking this week" list, because it is pretty much the most delicious dessert I've ever had.)


  1. I don't understand your math. 1*.05=.05

  2. Um, my math is that 1 out of every 2000 people in the universe of people who may read this blog would think that joke is funny. Am I wrong? Is it more like 1 out of every 20000? .005%?
