
CSA Week 4: Possibilities... Salad!

Each week I pick up a box of raw goodness and figure out how to manipulate it into deliciousness.  It is a constant struggle: taming the wild.  As soon as I start to feel like I'm in control, like there isn't too much food or too many unused vegetables - usually day 2 or 3 - I get an e-mail telling me what to expect next week, and the struggle begins all over again.
However... next week is so easy.  So easy it's kind of embarrassing.  So easy I may even have to buy my lunch at work, which will be super exciting for me since I love buying lunch.  But it all comes down to this one word:  Salad.

Tuesday I will pick up:
Carrots (salad)
Spinach (salad!!)
Onions (some for salad)
Leeks (pink leek-mushroom risotto possibly with cheddar seems likely here)
Sweet Potatoes 

Currently, the cranberries are the most exciting thing, not because I'm such a huge fan, but because they hold the greatest potential.  I'm not the hugest sweet potato fan, but it is way more delicious than squash, and I can use it in my to-date favorite squash recipe - the butternut/chickpea/tahini yum - if i don't feel like being creative.

My to-date favorite cranberry recipe involves a bit of sugar, a food processor, and an orange, and I like the idea of keeping them raw, but i also have started fantasizing about roasted cranberries.

We shall see.  I still really have five days to figure this out!  And plenty of deliciousness to consume in the meantime.

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